Rebecka Pisana
Founder of Pisana Crystals.
From a small Swedish island, Rebecka, has always been a creative soul. She found the love for crystals quite recently. But once that love was found, there was no turning back!
During the very first Covid-19 lockdown, in 2020, I read a quote that spoke right to my heart;
“If you didn’t come out of this quarantine with either:
- A new hobby
- A new skill
- A side hustle
You didn’t lack of time, but you lacked dedication.”
After reading this, I quickly looked up online what hobby one could do from home. Candle making caught my attention. It was something I had never tried before, but I do love candles and I already had a bunch of them at home that I could melt down and reuse.
About crystals; it was something that just clicked. I placed my first order of a moon shaped Clear Quartz cluster, which happened to become the inspiration for my logo later on. I bought books and did all kinds of research about crystals. I also kept buying crystals, growing my own little collection.
The first candles I made out of my kitchen for fun, to occupy myself during many lockdowns. I then thought to add in some of the crystals into the wax and decorated the whole house with the candles I had just made.
The response was so good from friends and family that I wanted to see how far I could go.
So I made more candles…
That is how I started Pisana Crystals.